Our Team

Vann has worked in pulp and paper mills, providing technical leadership and close manufacturing support for 30 years. He has extensive manufacturing experience with coated paperboard, including Solid Bleached Sulfate (SBS), Folding Box Board (FBB), and Coated Unbleached Kraft (CUK). Vann and the staff also have experience working with Coated Recycled Board (CRB), coated papers (C1S & C2S), and uncoated papers.

Lab Manager
Miranda Bliss joined Applied Paper Technology in 2003 as Lab Manager. Miranda has experience in manufacturing and testing coated and uncoated papers. Previously she was Lab Supervisor with the Institute of Paper Science and Technology at Georgia Tech.

Assistant Lab Manager
Mike has experience in coating research and coating component manufacturing. He assists Miranda in the day-to-day operation of the lab. He also interacts with our customers, which includes generating quotes and reports. He is also the wizard behind most of our test method videos.

Assistant Lab Manager
Andy recently joined Applied Paper Technology and has experience in beverage packaging as well as board converting and testing.


Our Associates in the lab have manufacturing experience in production of corrugated board as well as testing experience with publication papers, coated free sheet, and recycled papers.